The Director Makoto Shinkai announced its new titled movie Kimi not Na wa and will make début in August, 2016 in Japan.
And they released the first movie trailer.
And they released the first movie trailer.

"Mitsuha Miyamizu is a student who lives in a rural people surrounded with mountains. Its father is the mayor of the people and he does not spend a lot of time at home, in general Mitsuha usually remains alone with its younger sister and its grandmother. Mitsuha is a very sincere girl and he does not like the traditions of the temple Shinto of its family and also does not like his father to campaign for re-election. She regrets living in such an isolated people and he would want to be able to live in Tokyo someday.
And Taki Tachibana is a student who lives in the center of Tokyo and usually spends the time with its friends. Also it is employed half a time at an Italian restaurant its biggest interest is the architecture and the Fine arts.
One day Mitsuha dreams that it is a child and Taki that is a girl and inside this dream both are in a place that they had never been before... What will be secret that hides behind this dream?
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