The trailer and poster for the film "64 Roku Yon" was released with Sato Koichi, Ayano Go, Eikura Nana, Eita, Miura Tomokazu, Nagase Masatoshi Yoshioka Hidetaka Nakamura Toru Shiina Kippei, Takito Kenichi, Okuda Eiji, Natsukawa Yui, Naoto Ogata, Masataka Kubota and Kentaro Sakaguchi. It is based on the novel by Hideo Yokoyama and directed by Zeze Takahisa.
The plot involves an unsolved murder. In 1989, a young woman was kidnapped and murdered. Yoshinobu Mikami (Koichi Sato) is the detective in charge of the case, but ends up being transferred to the public relations office of the administrative police department against their will. Then a similar kidnapping case occurs, causing a rift between the criminal investigation department and the department of administrative police.
The film is divided into two parts, the first of which arrives in Japanese theaters on May 7 and the second part of the June 11, 2016.
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