2017深圳雪碧动漫游戏音乐节 - 深圳市, 中国 (China), 2017年6月10日 

事件 / Event / Evento: 2017深圳雪碧动漫游戏音乐节

日期 / Date / Fechas: 2017年6月10日 / June 10, 2017

位置 / Location/ Lugar: 广东省深圳市体育场 (福田区笋岗路和上步路的交叉口)

Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Stadium (Futian District, Sungang Road and the intersection of the road)

入院 / Admission / Entrada general:


  你本想奔着梦想而去,无奈半路掉入王者荣耀的大坑~~身边的人总是不理解你为什么抱着手机不离不弃,只有你明白对于王者的执着… 那么机会来了!王者荣耀
5v5 大奖赛等着你,组队报名来参加,开启属于你的“王者荣耀”!另外还有王者荣耀1v1
solo大神挑战赛,等你下战书!快来吧!现场还会有萌妹子主播来主持哟,天时地利人和~ 就差你啦!
  Cosplay不过瘾?!喜欢唱歌、喜欢跳舞?热爱舞台的你有福了~ 自由舞台狂欢party! 舞出你的魅力!展现你的歌喉! 闪耀瞬间由你创造!
  本次动漫游戏音乐节的品牌区互动游戏多多,你不可能不知道吧?!“你是王者荣耀里的谁?”、”荣耀一击”、”5v5八分音符挑战赛”等 ;
  前方高能! 别说我没有告诉你 ! 请大家一定要关注 “可口可乐红动深圳”
  2017年6月10日,深圳市体育场! 无动漫不欢的你,打游戏停不下来的你,想要冲破次元壁的你!一起开黑一起飞 ! 更多技能等待我们持续输出~~
  将(团队的)名称、(团员的)姓名、性别、年龄、联系方式、QQ号、选择参加的比赛等信息发至 event@ime.co报名
  · 主舞台内场座位
  · 钻石休息室(饮料、点心无限量供应)
  · 优先入场
  · 雪碧限量Tshirt
  · 雪碧限量背包
  · 荧光棒
  · 扇子
  · 毛巾
  · 贴纸
  钻石福袋定价 ¥159
  l 王者专属福袋(限量200套)
  · 王者荣耀区内场座位
  · 王者休息室(饮料无限量供应)
  · 优先入场
  · 雪碧限量充电宝
  · 王者荣耀英雄皮肤体验卡 :
  (甄姬三天体验卡 + 冰雪圆舞曲三天体验卡 + 钻石38 )
  (达摩三天体验卡 + 大发明家三天体验卡 + 钻石38)
  王者福袋定价 ¥159
  l 水晶福袋
  · 入场券
  · 雪碧限量背包
  · 荧光棒
  · 扇子
  · 毛巾
  · 贴纸
  · 徽章
  · 钥匙圈
  水晶福袋定价 ¥99

[Sprite] animation game festival will be in Shenzhen City Stadium to open a passionate cool second-class audio-visual feast!
The animation game festival is hosted by the Guangdong Swire Coca-Cola, the day invited to the ribs leader, Xiao Yinqing, Lun Sang, Meng Meng da day group, Wang Bowen and other well-known guest performances singing, more Cosplay contest, the king glory top Hegemony a winner, many exciting activities waiting for you to participate in this cool cool passion in June!
【God is not old city】 your goddess and goddess! One is not missing!
The animation game festival guests have a well-known to see: "God" pork leader! Scene to witness his "pseudo-sound" god technology; Variety style Xiao Yin love! Live feeling his super popular original music; good voice Lun Sang! Live to listen to his good voice;
You are always always feel that Meng Meng da? Then this festival also got the ancient goddess of the wind "Meng Meng da day group"; finale is invited to the popular popular idol Wang Bowen! They will be at the festival and everyone Close interaction!
In addition to the above lineup, you can also see the beautiful little sister who jump hot home house dance! And well-known network Reds live, see if you can into the mirror yo? Mother, I want to TV ~ ~
Enter the king of the canyon! Grand Prix agreed you!
You want to run around the dream, helpless halfway into the king of the glory of the pit ~ ~ people around always do not understand why you hold the phone never betray, only you understand the dedication of the king ... then the opportunity to come! glory
5v5 Grand Prix waiting for you, team up to participate in the application, open your "king glory"! In addition there are king glory 1v1
Solo big God Challenge, waiting for you to go! Come! The scene will have Meng sister anchor to host yo, the right place and ~ sent you!
This event will also be held Cosplay competition! Interested little partners can register online in advance, you can also register to participate in the event, invite all Coser big together to join the festivities! Contest winners will receive the sponsor to provide bonuses, Wonderful match not to be missed!
Cosplay is not fun ?! Like to sing, like to dance? Love the stage you blessed ~ free stage carnival party! Dance your charm! Show your voice! Shine instant created by you!
What are you waiting for?
Instant cool cool! Welcome to [Bi zero house]!
"You are the glory of the king who?", "Glory blow", "5v5 eighth note challenge" and so on; you can not know the game,
The scene is also cool and cool Sprite drink and limited to the surrounding! Music Festival hot topic hot spot activities immediately launched, cool cool summer, fun good hi!
Front high energy! Do not say I did not tell you! Please be sure to pay attention to "Coca-Cola red moving Shenzhen"
Official microblogging, WeChat platform, as well as iMe entertainment official microblogging, WeChat, at any time pay attention to ticket information! Music Festival will also be on the blessing bag,
June 10, 2017, Shenzhen City Stadium! No anime you do not play, you can not stop playing the game you want to break through the sub-wall you! With the black together to take off! More skills waiting for us to continue to output ~ ~
Recruitment of the following activities:
(The name of the team), the name of the member, the sex, the age, the contact method, the QQ number, the game of choice, and so on to event@ime.co
Plus QQ group to learn more:
King of the Grand Prix Recruitment: 56630007
Cosplay Grand Prix Recruitment: 615986441
Market Recruitment: 619838279
Diamond bag (limited to 500 sets):
· Main stage inside seat
· Diamond Lounge (drinks, snacks unlimited supply)
Priority admission
· Sprite limited Tshirt
· Sprite limited backpack
· Light sticks
· Towel
· Stickers
Diamond bag price ¥ 159
L King exclusive blessing bag (limited to 200 sets)
· King of the glory area inside the seat
· King's Lounge (unlimited supply of drinks)
Priority admission
· Sprite limited charge treasure
· King of the glory of the hero skin experience card:
(Zhen Ji three days experience card + ice and snow dance music three days experience card + diamond 38)
(Dharma three days experience card + big inventor three days experience card + diamond 38)
King of the bag price ¥ 159
L crystal pouch
· Tickets
· Sprite limited backpack
· Light sticks
· Towel
· Stickers
· Badge
· key ring
Crystal blessing bag pricing ¥ 99

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