The Aichi Prefecture in Japan will be home to a new anime theme park, dedicated to the legendary animation studio, Ghibli. The new theme park Ghibli Park was announced by Studio Ghibli producer Toshio Suzuki and Aichi province governor Hideaki Oomora during a conference in Nagoya city.
The "Ghibli Park" would open inside an area of 200 hectares called Expo Park. They plan to open in the year 2020, and recreate the forest of "My Neighbor Totoro". For its construction, Ghibli does not want to cut trees, nor damage the environment of Expo Park through the many methods of construction that already exist. This means that they want to create an environmentally friendly park, as expected from Hayao Miyazaki's nature lover. "Studio Ghibli's films have love for living creatures and Earth, which fits the concept of the expo," Oomura said. "I would like to convey this idea to future generations."
The "Ghibli Park" would open inside an area of 200 hectares called Expo Park. They plan to open in the year 2020, and recreate the forest of "My Neighbor Totoro". For its construction, Ghibli does not want to cut trees, nor damage the environment of Expo Park through the many methods of construction that already exist. This means that they want to create an environmentally friendly park, as expected from Hayao Miyazaki's nature lover. "Studio Ghibli's films have love for living creatures and Earth, which fits the concept of the expo," Oomura said. "I would like to convey this idea to future generations."
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