COSMIC REBELS MINI CON 2018 - Enniscorthy, Éire (Ireland), 4 Samhain 2018

Dáta / Date: 4 Samhain 2018 / November 4, 2018

Suíomh / Location: Riverside Park Hotel
The Promenade, Enniscorthy IE

Ticéid / Tickets: - - - 


Cosmic Rebels is back on the 4th of November as a one day MINI Con. It will be held in the main function room in the Riverside Park Hotel and will be chock full of Vendors, Artists, Writers and Displayers. It will also have a Cosplay Competition with Prize Money for the Best Made, Best Bought and Judges Choice categories plus Goodie Bags for Special Mentions. The 501st will be attending to bring a Star Wars flair to the proceedings and Heroes Unite will be there for all you comic book fans. A must go to event for all of you who love comics, collecting and all manner of Geeky stuff. Plus an ideal opportunity to pick up presents for Christmas that you wouldn't find anywhere else locally. Doors open at 11am and Admission is FREE 

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