The anime adaptation for television of the video game for smartphones, 'Sora to Umi no Aida' ('The Space Between the Sky and the Sea'), has begun to broadcast the second promotional trailer of the series. In the video you can listen to the musical theme that will be used for the opening, it will be called "Sora to Umi no Aida" and it will be performed by Momoko Suzuki. The song for the ending of the series will be called "Ao no Kanata" and will be performed by Konomi Suzuki.
The series will premiere at Tokyo MX and Sun TV on October 4 at 00:00 in the morning. It can also be seen on AT-X, BS Fuji and RCC Chūgoku Broadcasting.
The story takes place in Onomichi, Hiroshima, in the near future. The fish disappear from the sea all over the world and only the whales manage to survive. The Ministry of Fisheries decides to install giant universal fish tanks in space. The Fishing Union of the Onomichi Universe is created and begins to train the space fishers. Women fishermen are in demand due to the strengthening of an equal employment law for men and women. Six new space women fishermen are selected, and the story focuses on the growth of these fisherwomen.
The story takes place in Onomichi, Hiroshima, in the near future. The fish disappear from the sea all over the world and only the whales manage to survive. The Ministry of Fisheries decides to install giant universal fish tanks in space. The Fishing Union of the Onomichi Universe is created and begins to train the space fishers. Women fishermen are in demand due to the strengthening of an equal employment law for men and women. Six new space women fishermen are selected, and the story focuses on the growth of these fisherwomen.
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