The official website of the Live Action adaptation of "ReLIFE" began the transmission of two trailers with a duration of 60 seconds in which one of the musical themes entitled "Message", played by Sonoko Inoue, is heard.
Yudai Chiba will play a member of the ReaLIFE team, which recruits Arata Kaizaki
Yudai Chiba will play a member of the ReaLIFE team, which recruits Arata Kaizaki
An Onoya, friend of the protagonist "Arata Kaizaki", will play Sae Okazaki.
Taishi Nakagawa will play the protagonist Arata Kaizaki, and Yuna Taira interpreted Chizuru Hishiro. Takeshi Furusawa is in charge of making the film.
The naive Kazuomi Oga will be played by Mahiro Takasugi.
And Rena Kariu, will be played by Elaiza Ikeda.
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