Sony recently held its event, Sony Investor Relations Day 2018, in Tokyo, on May 22, 2018. And during a presentation, the president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, John (Tsuyoishi) Kodera, made a shocking announcement, as he said that the platform, PlayStation 4 is already in the "Final phase of its life cycle". And in light of this, he added that recurring revenue from user subscription services such as PlayStation Plus, will alleviate the impact of fewer sales.
Kodera also added a Sony plan to continue strengthening and investing in existing first-hand intellectual property. Of course, this includes anime, as well as music. Its objective is "to take advantage of and expand the existing franchises as an area of potential growth". The current period of the middle management plan for PS4 ends in 2021, and Kodera says that, "it will be a period of temporary occupation for the sake of PlayStation doing more jumps."
As for PlayStation VR, the CEO of Sony said it continues to sell very well. However, their sales growth is a bit slower than they expected. His presentation also indicated that PlayStation VR, PlayStation Vue and ForwardWorks need improvement, and "the use of these companies to strengthen the commitment of users is key."
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