Ayase Haruka Saito Takumi, staged a romantic comedy called "Kodaike not hitobito" which also features the presence of Kiko Mizuhara, Mamiya Shotaro, Mao Daichi and Masachika Ichimura, the series will be based on the Manga of Morimoto Kozueko and directed by Hijikata Masato .
Hirano Kie (Haruka Ayase) is a common employee of a company, a very introverted person with a quite fertile imagination, Já Kodai Mitsumasa (Saito Takumi) is employed at the same company as Kie, but the pertenece to the wage-earning and successful Elite and is the elder son of the family Kodai and he has a very special skill, can read the mind of the others, Mitsumasa feels attracted by the warm heart of Kie and its dreamy temperament. They begin to go out, nevertheless the mother Mitsumasa is against of this.
This gift not known by Kie, almost all the members of the family Kodai, is had by them, including its younger sister Shigeko (Kiko Mizuhara), its younger brother Kazumasa (Mamiya Shotaro) and its mother Yuko (Daichi Mao). The only one that cannot read itself the mind of the persons is the father, Shigemasa Junior (Masachika Ichimura). The movie will be released on June 4, 2016 in Japan.
Hirano Kie (Haruka Ayase) is a common employee of a company, a very introverted person with a quite fertile imagination, Já Kodai Mitsumasa (Saito Takumi) is employed at the same company as Kie, but the pertenece to the wage-earning and successful Elite and is the elder son of the family Kodai and he has a very special skill, can read the mind of the others, Mitsumasa feels attracted by the warm heart of Kie and its dreamy temperament. They begin to go out, nevertheless the mother Mitsumasa is against of this.
This gift not known by Kie, almost all the members of the family Kodai, is had by them, including its younger sister Shigeko (Kiko Mizuhara), its younger brother Kazumasa (Mamiya Shotaro) and its mother Yuko (Daichi Mao). The only one that cannot read itself the mind of the persons is the father, Shigemasa Junior (Masachika Ichimura). The movie will be released on June 4, 2016 in Japan.
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